ANUNNAKI Marshall Klarfeld

The Kate Valentine UFO Show - En podcast av Kate Valentine

Mar­shall Klar­feld grad­u­ated with an engi­neer­ing degree from CALTECH in 1951, after study­ing under such lumi­nar­ies as Nobel Lau­re­ate pro­fes­sors Richard Feyn­man and Linus Paul­ing. Fas­ci­nated by what he con­sid­ered advanced sci­en­tific knowl­edge in the Bible’s story of cre­ation, Klar­feld embarked on a quest to unravel the mys­ter­ies sur­round­ing humanity’s early his­tory. His work has led him to pub­lish three books, ADAM, the Miss­ing Link, GILGAMESH 10, and The ANUNNAKI Were Here!. The lat­ter Klarfeld’s newest book, details his excit­ing new the­ory of “wash­board gold min­ing” in use by the ANUNNAKI, a the­ory which, when proven, will turn the archae­ol­ogy com­mu­nity upside-down. To date Mar­shall has made eight appear­ances on the pop­u­lar “Coast to Coast AM” radio pro­gram, and recently was inter­viewed by Shirley MacLaine.

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