183: Conflict With The Ex + Your Stepkids? Here's What We Would Do
The KICK-ASS Stepmom Podcast - En podcast av Jamie Scrimgeour

Jamie and her husband Darren share how they would handle stressful stepfamily situations that you submitted on Instagram. For more from Jamie: Website: www.jamiescrimgeour.com Follow along on Instagram @jamiescrimgeour and @kickassstepmompodcast Find me on Facebook Join The Membership Download The Secret To Improving Your Stepfamily Life Book a coaching call: www.jamiescrimgeour.com/coaching Get 120 Ways To Be A KICK-ASS Stepmom - www.jamiescrimgeour.com/ebook Get Your Ticket To The Stepmom Summit: www.jamiescrimgeour.com/stepmomsummit Join The Life Edit with Krista Williams of Almost 30 www.jamiescrimgeour.com/lifeedit and use the code JAMIE for 20% off This episode is sponsored by NuCalm. Use code JAMIE10 for 10% off your subscription at www.nucalm.com.