True Versatility - Working Ranch dogs - Winning Trial dogs with Tom Collins
The Instinctive Australian Shepherd - En podcast av Jacqueline Tinker

Yes, Virginia, a Working Ranch Dog can Trial! Join us for this fascinating discussion about working ranch dogs and trialing dogs with Tom Collins from Fruitville, Idaho. Tom and I discuss the value of a working ranch dog and the fun of the game of trialing. This conversation morphed out of a spirited discussion in the Working Aussie Facebook group. Tom and I share the opinion that a dog can work and ranch and then go win in the trial arena. Tom and I share the honor of winning the ASCA Stockdog Finals Cattle Champion award. My dog Copper and I won in 2022 and Tom and his dog Doc won in 2024. We discuss the excitement and thrill of winning that honor and more importantly, how valuable each of our dogs are on our ranch. Do you have a question or are you interested in a private or virtual lesson? Reach out to Jacqueline for more information! Connect with Jacqueline Tinker: Lessons, trained dogs, occasional puppies, clinics, and trials Phone number: 817-948-8825