#71: Radio Evasión—Dispatches from Chile Part 2
The Ex-Worker - En podcast av CrimethInc. Ex-Workers’ Collective
Two weeks of revolt in Chile and there are no signs of it slowing down! In this Radio Evasión dispatch, we bring you up to speed on all the developments in the past week: the president’s attempts to quell the protests with reforms, the lifting of Martial Law, and the cancellation of the upcoming APEC trade summit. We have two communiqués translated into English from Chile, and eight interviews! This episode we tried to focus on not just the combative protests at Plaza Italia downtown, but also represent a little bit of how the neighborhoods on the periphery of the city are getting organized with cacerolazos, cultural events, barricades, and people’s assemblies.For feedback, ideas for interview questions, or to contribute material, send us an e-mail at [email protected]. {November 1st, 2019} -------SHOW NOTES------ Table of Contents: Introduction {0:00} Update since last episode {1:54} From Civil Disobedience to Popular Insurrection: A Reflection on Revolt and State Repression in the Chilean Region {10:05} Interview 26 October: Cacerolazo in Puente Alto {16:00} Interview 28 October: Downtown in the teargas with an anti-authoritarian legal worker {19:30} Interview 28 October: Coordinating Assembly of High School Students, ACES {30:35} Interview 28 October: Villa Olímpica festival of resistance with Kassandra Romanini {36:40} Interview 29 October: Colegio Paulo Freire in San Miguel {40:55} Interview 29 October: Middle school students’ anti-police demonstration {1:01:26} Interview 30 October: The People’s Assembly in Plaza Bogota {1:03:40} Report from the Olla Común at Plaza Italia {1:07:40} The Right to Live Is Not to be Begged For, It Is to Be Taken! {1:13:18} Outro {1:18:10} En Español {1:19:12} Our previous coverage/Nuestra cobertura previa: The Ex-Worker #70: Radio Evasión—dispatches from Chile Part 1 Reports from fare-dodging to a week of full-blown revolt, en español también Chile: Resisting under Martial Law A Report, Interview, and Call to Action Chile: Resistiendo bajo la Ley Marcial Un reporte, una entrevista y una llamada a la acción On the Front Lines in Chile Six Accounts from the Uprising Texts included in this episode/textos y comunicados en este episodio: The Illegitimacy of Violence, the Violence of Legitimacy De la desobediencia civil a la insurrección popular: una reflexión en torno a la revuelta y el terrorismo de estado en la región chilena Pojects interviewed in this episode/iniciativas que incluimos en este episodio: Fundraiser to support Chilean protestors Olla Común Plaza Italia Radio Colegio Paulo Freire Radio Comunitaria Villa Olímpica Directory of Ollas Comunes in Chile La Asamblea Coordinadora de Estudiantes Secundarios de Chile - ACES Anonymous Chile hacked the police and leaked their private chats: [#PacoLeaks ~ Datadump de Carabineros de Chile (Pacos culiaos)](https://pacoleaks.rebelside.pw/) A MASSIVE repository of police and military brutality recorded from individual phones and cameras Virtual cacerola machine! Check out these texts from Seattle 1999 and Barcelona 2001, for more context on the mobilizations in the so-called “anti-globalization” movement that we compare the ongoing uprising in Chile with. FunaMetro Piensa Prensa - Instagram Iniciativa Pasaje Justo Evasión Masiva Chile Ongoing movement media from around Chile: Radio Villa Francia - Instagram Radio Kurruf (Concepción) - Instagram Diario Venceremos - Instagram Radio Placeres (Valparaíso) Radio 19 de Abril (Cobertura Colectiva) Radio Humedales (Concepción) Prensa Opal Periódico Resumen (Concepción) Radio Manque (Rancagua) Rara Señal Medio Libre La Zarzamora Radio JGM Kiwicha Comunicaciones Radio Última Frecuencia Waiwen Tv (Osorno) RadioWilliche Mül’ütu (Melipulli – Puerto Montt) Radio Latue (Coyhaique) Revista Caminando (Temuco-Valdivia)