Transactional Quantum Mechanics - Dr. Ruth Kastner - DSPod #280
The DemystifySci Podcast - En podcast av DemystifySci
Dr. Ruth Kastner is a historian of Physics and philosopher of Science who is preoccupied with rational interpretations of quantum mechanics. She serves as the third pole of the transactional quantum mechanics big tent where she, alongside John Cramer and Carver Mead, argue that the apparent mysteries of quantum mechanics can be rationalized by modeling everything from light to gravity as an exchange between atoms. Our conversation explores how she became enamored with this alternative approach to physics, the question of how accurate our models really are when it comes to the subatomic world, why the word "electron" is hopelessly confused, and why moving backwards in space and time aren't as different as they might seem at first glance. Sign up for our Patreon and get episodes early + join our weekly Patron Chat AND rock some Demystify Gear to spread the word: OR do your Amazon shopping through this link: (00:00:00) Go! (00:05:21) Evolution of Transactional Interpretations in Quantum Mechanics (00:07:12) Philosophical Motivations Behind Transactional Interpretations (00:23:26) Mechanistic vs. holistic views of nature (00:27:09) Quantum mechanics and mechanistic explanations (00:32:24) Wave functions and physical reality (00:46:14) Quantum Measurement and Macroscopic Objects (00:49:00) Electron Energy Eigenstates and Stability (00:55:44) Wave-Particle Duality and Transactional Interpretation (00:59:51) Quantum Measurement Problem and Direct Action Theory (01:00:46) Quantum Field Dynamics and Mutual Communication (01:08:30) Future Influence on Present Actions (01:11:03) Actualized vs. Possible Futures (01:14:19) Quantum Indeterminacy and Hidden Variables (01:21:56) Free Will and Determinism (01:31:15) Life as entropy and disorder (01:32:24) Consciousness and non-human life forms (01:39:21) Complexity in living systems (01:45:20) Challenges in quantum theory interpretations (01:53:30) Ontology and Space-Time Concept (01:55:07) Relativistic Quantum Direct Action Theory (02:00:47) Charge Interpretation and Field Source Dynamics #sciencepodcast, #longformpodcast, #QuantumMechanics #TransactionalInterpretation #PhilosophyOfScience #MechanisticVsHolistic #WaveFunctionReality #QuantumMeasurement #MacroscopicObjects #ElectronEnergy #WaveParticleDuality #DirectActionTheory #QuantumFieldDynamics #FutureInfluence #PossibleFutures #QuantumIndeterminacy #HiddenVariables #FreeWillVsDeterminism #LifeAndEntropy #ConsciousnessStudies #NonHumanLife #ComplexSystems #QuantumTheoryChallenges #Ontology #SpaceTime #RelativisticQuantum #ChargeDynamics #FieldSourceTheory #QuantumPhysics #QuantumPhilosophy #Determinism #QuantumFieldTheory #InterpretationOfQuantumTheory #WaveFunction Check our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics Join our mailing list PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: - RSS: - Donate: - Swag: SOCIAL: - Discord: - Facebook: - Instagram: - Twitter: MUSIC: -Shilo Delay: