Transitioning ADHD Teens Into College - Robert Tudisco
The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Radio - En podcast av The Coffee Klatch

Robert M. Tudisco is a practicing attorney, freelance writer and an adult diagnosed with AD/HD. He is currently the Executive Director of the Edge Foundation and is a past member of the National Board of Directors of Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (CHADD). Robert is also a former Vice President of the Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA). Since his diagnosis, he has researched and written extensively on the subject of practical coping mechanisms and systems for adults with AD/HD. He is a frequent resource for the media about AD/HD and disability advocacy and has been published in ATTENTION!® Magazine and regularly contributes as a columnist on adult, parenting and legal issues in addition to sitting on its Editorial Advisory Board. He is also the expert legal columnist for ADDitude Magazine.