The Secret Life of Fear - The Physically Aggressive Child

The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Radio - En podcast av The Coffee Klatch


A topic often hidden due to embarrassment,  shame, guilt and fear. Meet a mother, Kelli Stapleton, a woman who has dealt with physical aggression for years by her autistic daughter.  A child so out of control and aggressive that Kelli has had numerous hospitalizations and serious injuries. There are times she fears for her life, Where does she turn?  Kelli is not alone,  many parents of autistic or mentally ill children and teens live a secret life with physical abuse and often find no options or alternatives for themselves or their children.  Trapped in a system that offers no support or quality alternative, hundreds of thousands of parents live in fear for themselves and their children.   Dr Carol Lieberman, renowned media psychiatrist joins us to discuss the emotional toll and therapeutic options for these parents.  Dr Russell Hyken residential placement expert also joins us discussing placement options as well as legal analyst, special needs advocate, autism mom Areva Martin.   

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