Support and Resources for Gifted Children - BNB
The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Radio - En podcast av The Coffee Klatch

Bright Not Broken: NAGC- Finding Help, Support and Resources for Gifted / 2e Many parents and professionals can be easily overwhelmed when searching for accurate information and support regarding gifted/2e children. The National Association of Gifted Children- (NAGC) specializes in supporting the needs of high potential Learners. Join us as we talk with Nancy Green, NAGC Executive Director and 2e Author Expert Dr. Beverly Trail. We will discuss this years upcoming conference highlights including Dr. Temple Grandin's Keynote Address "Helping Different Kinds of Minds to Learn." and all the resources available through NAGC to help 2e/gfited parents, educators and care providers. Dr. Trail, The author of Twice-Exceptional Children: Understanding, Teaching, and Counseling Gifted Students is also one of the leaders of The National Association For Gifted Children's Special Populations Network. She is a twice-exceptional consultant, researcher, trainer and gifted education specialist.