Protecting Your Child From Bullying In an IEP
The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Radio - En podcast av The Coffee Klatch

Bullying IS an IEP issue. Hosts Jennifer Laviano a special education attorney and Julie Swanson a special education advocate host this very important interview. Your child's IEP is a legal document that their school must follow. The tragic suicide of a Florida teen from relentless bullying has sparked a firestorm within the legal system to put an end to torment and tragedy. If your child is being bullied you have rights and can use an IEP to protect them. Two girls were charged with aggravated stalking, a third-degree felony and will be processed through the juvenile court system. Neither had an arrest record. The older girl was taken into custody in the juvenile wing of the Polk County Jail. The younger girl, who the police said expressed remorse, was released to her parents now under house arrest. If you havent already spoken