Parenting The Gay/Lesbian Teen Bullying Dr Stewart Adelson
The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Radio - En podcast av The Coffee Klatch

Dr. Adelson is an adult, child and adolescent psychiatrist, Chair of the Advisory Committee of the Initiative for LGBT Health in the Division of Gender, Sexuality and Health, a new division of Columbia's Dept. of Psychiatry. He is the principal author of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry's (AACAP's) "Practice Parameter on Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual Sexual Orientation, Gender-Nonconformity, and Gender Discordance in Children and Adolescents." He is also a longstanding member of AACAP's Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues Committee, and the Group for Advancement of Psychiatry's Human Sexuality Committee. He is the primary author of several peer-reviewed publications about the psychiatric assessment of sexuality, sexual development, and psychodynamics in psychiatrically ill, sexually abused, and normally developing children and adolescents.