Mike Royce - Producer/Writer Men Of A Certain Age

The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Radio - En podcast av The Coffee Klatch


Mike Royce Executive Producer and writer of Men Of A Certain Age and Everyone Loves Raymond is our guest.  Men Of A Certain Age is a fantastic series on TNT starring Ray Romano Scott Bakula Andre Braugher and Brian White to name of few in this outstanding cast.  This comedic drama has taken on a storyline dealing with the subject of teen anxiety and panic disorder.  It is written and portrayed so well and with such insight into parental confusion and teen avoidance that I just had to have him on. Equally intriguing is the obsessive compulsive tendencies of the father (Ray Ramano) and the effect that it has on the relationships in his life. This show is far from gloom and doom, it is one of the funniest, smartest and compelling TV Series you will find. If you have not seen this show you are missing out . It is hilarious - heart warming - contemporary and one of the best shows on television.  Who knew men of that certain age could be so cool!

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