The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Radio - En podcast av The Coffee Klatch

Angela Eaton is a brilliant photographer, blogger and mother of two incredible children. The mother of a twice exceptional daughter with a unique thinking style has brought her to a place of understanding and amazement of her child Meredith's abilities. When Angie discovered Meredith's filing system of pictures, she went to Facebook to tap into a friends and other parents to see if anyone knew about this or had similar systems. What came back was extraordinary - Synesthesia Synesthesia is seeing colors when you hear music, seeing letters and numbers as colors, or getting a particular taste in your mouth when you hear a particular name. The synesthestic experience is involuntary and automatic and doesn't seem to change over time it is an amazing ability to see what others do not. Be inspired by this incredible story of a mother's love and a child's gift.