Inspire - The Uncovering of a brilliant mind

The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Radio - En podcast av The Coffee Klatch


  Angela Eaton is a brilliant photographer and writer, she is also the mother of a twice exceptional daughter with a unique thinking style which has brought her to a place of understanding and amazement of her child Meredith's abilities. On her journey to unravel an alphabet soup of possible diagnosis for her child’s behaviors and challenges she uncovered something exceptional…… an extraordinary way of thinking….. a brilliant mind…. Some refer to it as Synesthesia..... others...  the Maverick Mind.  Synesthesia is seeing colors when you hear music, seeing letters and numbers as colors, or getting a particular taste in your mouth when you hear a particular name.  The synesthestic experience is involuntary and automatic and doesn't seem to change over time it is an amazing ability to see what others cannot. A filing system unlike any other that alters the way a child thinks, learns and relates to their world. Be inspired by the story of a little girl and the mother that found her gift.      

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