Homesick and Happy Sleep Away Camp - Ask Stefanie
The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Radio - En podcast av The Coffee Klatch

Homesick and Happy…How Time Away From Parents Can Help A Child Grow Michael Thompson- Psychologist, New York Times Bestselling Author Homesick and Happy. Dr. Thompson's book talks about how children at sleep away camp can be anxious, homesick, excited, scared, and successful all at the same time. He believes that going to camp and being away from your parents can really make a child grow and flourish as an individual. Sending your child to camp for a few weeks and relinquishing control can be difficult for parents, especially if you have a child who has a tough time with transition. We will talk about how to make these transitions more manageable. We will also focus on un-plugging and the benefits of kids just "being kids" today, away from the addiction of computers and social media. Michael Thompson, Ph.D. is a consultant, bestselling author, and psychologist specializing in children and families.