Expectations - Who are they for? Goal Setting Dr L Kenney
The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Radio - En podcast av The Coffee Klatch

Dr Lynne Kenney IS BACK!!! Dr Kenney is a pediatric psychologist, author of The Family Coach and has a new endeavor "Play Math" When creating expectations for your child do you take time to thinnk about what motivates your decisions? When raising a child, any child, your expectations are often a knee jerk reaction from your own conditioning and upbringing or conjured by the "norm" of how you percieve others may judge you or your child. Tonight we discuss Expectations.... Who are they for, how they challenge and help your child grow and how they can overwhelm and undermine success. When raising a special needs child expectations and goal setting can be difficult to formulate. We will discuss some basic questions you should consider when creating a strategy for your child and your family. Are you driven by outside pressure or influences? Are expectations individualized to each child and their abilities and deficits? How can you keep it fair and still keep it individualized? What is the importance of setting attainable goals to achieve mastery and confidence? What is the risk of setting the bar too high?