Dr Ron Minson - ILS

The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Radio - En podcast av The Coffee Klatch


  Often, our learning tools are putting a roof on a weak foundation. The acquisition of reading, writing, math and other academic skills is dependent upon a normally-developed nervous system.  Communication between the two hemispheres and integration of sensory input from the eyes, ears and motor systems must be intact to accomplish the goals of educational intervention.  However, efficient processing doesn’t occur in an immature nervous system.  Through appropriate auditory, visual and vestibular stimulation, we are able to help the nervous system develop.  The brain’s ability to increase neuronal activity in response to stimulationis known as “neuroplasticity.”  iLs sessions provide repeated, gentle stimulation which influence brain function. The improvements in brain function  are based on the premise that our higher brain functions – the “cortical functions” such as language, cognitive skills, socialization – rely and depend upon how well sensory input is received and processed as it enters the central nervous system and is relayed to the upper brain.  iLs improves processing at both the sub-cortical and cortical levels. iLs has a global effect on the brain and central nervous system, influencing the following systems: balance, visual, auditory, motor, coordination,  behavior and emotional regulation.  As a result, it is successfully implemented for a wide variety of conditions: Learning difficulties such as reading, spelling, math, auditory processing and attention Sensory processing and integration Stress, sleep, emotional regulation and mood problems Those with autism and neuro-developmental difficulties

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