Dr Demitri Papolos The Fear Of Harm Phenotype - A moms story

The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Radio - En podcast av The Coffee Klatch


Dr Papolos author of The Bipolar Child and Research Director of the Juvenile Bipolar Foundation and Alyssa Bronstein returns to discuss The Fear of Harm Phenotype.  The Fear Of Harm phenotype is not a new definition of bipolar disorder but a distinct, neurologically-based disorder which can explain the symptom profile of many who are “bipolar” and some, but not all, who have other conceptual diagnoses such as ADHD, depression, anxiety. In our first three intervies we discussed at length child bipolar, the fear of harm phenotype and the cutting edge research that is giving us answers to so many questions about these struggling children and teens.   Tonight we also meet a parent involved in the Ketamine study and how it has transformed their child.  

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