Bright Not Broken - Twice Exceptional Aspergers ADHD

The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Radio - En podcast av The Coffee Klatch


Twice Exceptional, Who They are: Asperger ADHD Gifted Twice -Exceptional is a relatively new term, but sorting through the confusing mix of strengths and challenges these children possess is nothing new, especially for parents and care providers who struggle to help them.  Our guest Dr. Layne Kalbfleisch  is a neuroscientist dedicated to identifying and understanding this unique 2e population. Through her multiple research efforts and distinguished work as principal investigator at KIDLAB (Krasnow Investigations of Developmental Learning and Behavior) George Mason University, She is breaking new ground in the awareness and identification of this important group of individuals who often fall through the cracks of our educational and mental health systems. Dr. Kalbfleisch a seasoned expert and researcher in  Educational Psychology, Neuroscience and Gifted Education  has published extensivly in related journals, books and articles. Along with practical experience in the classroom she has also hosted and presented numerous lectures internationally.

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