Bright Not Broken - Dr Lorna Wing and Dr Judith Gould
The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Radio - En podcast av The Coffee Klatch

The publication of DSM5 will no doubt bring changes that will affect twice-exceptional children, especially those with Aspergers Disorder. Drs. Lorna Wing and Judith Gould, world renowned experts and pioneers of the autism spectrum discuss the upcoming changes in the DSM. Dr. Lorna Wing has 40 years of experience in the field of autism and learning disabilities through her work w the Medical Research Council Social Psychiatry Unit, London. Her published work on the subject of autism has challenged and changed the thinking in the field. In the early days she questioned that Kanner's autism was a single separate entity and through her research work w Judith Gould led to the now accepted concept of a spectrum of autism. It was Dr Wing who, in 1981, coined the term "Asperger syndrome" Her book The Autistic Spectrum, for parents and professionals, has been translated into many languages and it remains a valuable source of information and advice. Dr. Judith Gould is Director NAS Lorna Wing Centre for Autism. She is a Chartered Consultant Clinical Psychologist w nearly 40 years' experience, specializing in autism spectrum disorders and learning disabilities. She has published widely in the field of autism spectrum disorders and her research work with Lorna Wing led to the now-accepted concept of a spectrum of autistic conditions. Dr Gould is involved in training in autism spectrum disorders and related conditions both in the UK and overseas. Her cur