Brain On Fire - The inflammation connection to mental illness - Toxic Mold
The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Radio - En podcast av The Coffee Klatch

Host - Marianne Russo Guest - Dr Mary Ackerly What does inflammation, immune stimulation and toxic mold have to do with mental illness and pain syndromes? Some of the infections and toxins that we know are associated with depression and anxiety are molds. Neurological Lyme is also well known for creating psychiatric complications. There is good evidence that streptococcus infections not treated properly can lead to obsessive-compulsive disorder, also called PANDAS. Another source of psychiatric illness are encephalopathies like Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever that get into the spinal cord. Later or at the same time, people are diagnosed with psychiatric illnesses, including mania. Toxic Mold, genetics and various other immunological stimulations can cause depression, joint pain, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, mood disorders, insomnia and many other issues.