Best of Series - Judge Alex Ferrer and Judge Glenda Hatchett
The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Radio - En podcast av The Coffee Klatch

The Judicial Event - Here Come The Judges! 9:00 pm est "Judge Alex Ferrer and Judge Glenda Hatchett" Judge Alex Ferrer host of "Judge Alex" took on the bullies with his Anti-Bullying Campaign and joins us to discuss the importance of adult actions in protecting our children and how your child's behavior may lead them down a path of destruction. Hear what you, the parent, need to know to keep your teen out of his courtroom. 9:30 Judge Glenda Hatchett Host of Court TV Show "Judge Hatchett" joins me to inspire us to "Dare to Take Charge" How to Live Your Life On Purpsose a fantastic book about overcoming adversity and making the changes we all need to succeed and find happiness. Also to be discussed, her no nonsense approach to parenting "Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say" Two terrific advocates for todays children and teens.