Type 2 or Type 4 Child? How to Tell the Difference
The Child Whisperer Podcast with Carol Tuttle & Anne Brown - En podcast av Carol Tuttle

How to feel confident about your child's Type. You've noticed that your child has a lower-movement energy. But do they express soft, snuggly Type 2 energy? Or more serious, still Type 4 energy? In this episode, Carol and Anne help you see the difference between Type 2 and Type 4 children in Carol's Energy Profiling system. They share personal examples, along with tips of what to look for. Listen in and you'll have info to help you be sure about your more introverted child's Type. This week’s Parenting Practice If you are unsure about your child's Type, take the time to talk to them about it, help them determine with you. Rewatch the facial profiling videos or watch them for the first time if you haven't. Set the intention that you will recognize their Type. If you already know your child's Type, ask yourself how you can support that child in expressing their soft or serious nature. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit thechildwhisperer.com and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.