How to Keep Covid's Silver Linings for Your Family
The Child Whisperer Podcast with Carol Tuttle & Anne Brown - En podcast av Carol Tuttle

Let's be intentional about getting back to "normal." The Covid-19 quarantine gave us a moment to really examine our lives. As restrictions are lifting, it's worth asking: How do we hold onto those lessons? In this episode, Carol and Anne share talk about the shift that showed many parents what was missing in their family. They share specific examples from Child Whisperer families and give tips to maintain a lifestyle that supports a healthy family. Listen in to support your family, too. This episode's Parenting Practice Call a family meeting. Ask your family what they want to maintain in your family's lifestyle from the pandemic restrictions. What has been an unexpected benefit from Covid-19 that you want to hold onto? Your children's responses might surprise you. Write them down so that 6 months from now, you can read them and reevaluate how you're doing. Learn more from Carol each week! Visit and receive Carol and Anne's weekly Parenting Practice right to your inbox.