1969: Menstrual Weight Gain, Sustainable Fishing, Extended Fasting, COA, Heat Sensitive, Anti-Aging Drugs (HouseCall)

The Cabral Concept - En podcast av Dr. Stephen Cabral


Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend! I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks… Let’s get started!    Sarah: Hi Dr Cabral, Thank you so much for all the time you put in to help everyone. I really appreciate it and I have learned so much from you. My question is:- I have histamine intolerance and I’m certain that I have a leaky gut as I have a lot of food sensitivities. I only get this during hay fever season. This is my second year of controlling it through diet and not pharmaceuticals. I am keeping a very detailed food diary with symptoms and I am also tracking my weight daily. I would like to know what your thoughts are on looking at weight when trying to work out food sensitivities. Also during menstruation is it natural to gain any weight at all? Just so I can factor this in when I am tracking. I do not have any history of eating disorders and I wish I could afford labs, maybe one day. Thank you so much. Sarah Kevin: Hi Dr. Cabral, I was wondering if you have had the chance to view the documentary: “Seaspiracy?” If so, what are your thoughts on the ability to actually accomplish sustainable fishing, along with the true quality of the fish we are consuming? As stated in the documentary, wild and organic fish are not truly reflective of those labels. Thank you!! Ericka: Hello, Love your podcast. Learning a lot! I wanted to ask. I follow Ayurevdic lifestyle and I wanted to ask a question. I eat two meals a day. My work day starts at 6am. My first meal is usually around 5am. Lunch between 11 and 12. I do not eat dinner, never been a nigh eater, but around 3, I will have a smoothie. I want to try fasting from lunch to breakfast giving me a 17 hour fast. I am predominantly Pitta, can throw me off? Ericka Nicolette: Hi Dr. Cabral, First, thank you for all your guidance and expertise over the years! I have been working so hard to remove as many toxins as possible and get myself to the healthiest spot. I love your resources page to help with this transition. I recently purchased a Berkey, and received feedback saying that's not the best option since they are not third party certified. Also, with Equilife, I've transitioned all my supplements over to them, but am worried why they don't share their COA. I think the transparency would really help ease peoples minds. Can you provide guidance around these two things? As always, thank you!!! Sophia: Hi Dr. Cabral! Is there a root cause for how people react to temperature? "Cold weather people vs hot weather people" is an idea that's thrown around sometimes, and I'm wondering if there's a way to CONTROL my preferences. I have seasonal depression in the summer, and it usually starts because the heat makes me lethargic, uncomfortable, and I feel claustrophobic. It's like I lose 3 months of my life, and I want to know if there's something I can do to control my anguish in hot weather. I've tried hot yoga, I take cold showers, exercise, drink lots of water and am on an SSRI, but if there's another way of controlling this annual downfall, I'd love to hear what you have to say. It's almost as debilitating as allergies.Thank you for any thoughts! Alyssa: Hi dr Cabral, Fellow Bostonian here! I’m curious if you have heard of David Sinclair’s research out of Harvard university on anti aging using metformin and various supplements to reverse aging. If so, what are your thoughts on his research and his personal anti aging protocols he uses. What do you personally use. Thanks in advance! Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right! - - - Show Notes & Resources:  http://StephenCabral.com/1969 - - - Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect https://amzn.to/2H0W7Ge - - - Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered: http://CabralSupportGroup.com - - -  Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests: > Complete Minerals & Metals Test (Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity) - - - > Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test (Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels) - - - > Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test (Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels) - - - > Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test (Run your adrenal & hormone levels) - - - > Complete Food Sensitivity Test (Find out your hidden food sensitivities) - - - > Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test (Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

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