Ep. 220: Perinatal Mood Disorders and Management Options with Dr. William Leininger, MD, FACOG

The Birth Lounge Podcast - En podcast av HeHe Stewart

The most dangerous time in pregnancy is actually postpartum; particularly, days 43-365. Postpartum Mood Disorders can be serious, resulting in harmful or dangerous behaviors and thoughts. However, there are a number of evidence-based options to help support new parents and families in this transitional time. Dr. William Leininger, OBGYN, is joining us to discuss the options around postpartum anxiety, depression, and other mood challenges that may arise after having a baby. We dive into the non-pharmacological options, the holistic and lifestyle options and the taboo options. This episode will also include information about the new postpartum medications zuranolone, and what you need to know!     The Birth Lounge: https://www.thebirthlounge.com   Patients and Supports Teams:National Maternal Mental Health Hotline – 1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262) --has translators for 60 languages Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (988lifeline.org) – 988English and Spanish Crisis Text Line (crisistextline.org): Text “HOME” to 741-741 Postpartum Support International - https://www.postpartum.net  Mother to Baby – Information about Medications in Pregnancy and Lactationhttps://mothertobaby.org/  National Center for Complementary and Integrative Medicine, NIHhttps://www.nccih.nih.gov/  BUMPS – Best Uses of Medicine in Pregnancy – UKhttps://www.medicinesinpregnancy.org/ NIH Medical Information Search site – medlineplus.gov     Professionals ACOG Perinatal Mental Health Resourceshttps://www.acog.org/about/leadership-and-governance/board-of-directors/iffath-a-hoskins-md/minding-mental-health   Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance - https://www.mmhla.org/  Policy Center for Maternal Mental Health - https://www.2020mom.org/ National Center for Complementary and Integrative Medicine, NIH.https://www.nccih.nih.gov/  Regional Organization – Roanoke, VA - https://www.huddleupmoms.org  State Organization – Massachusetts - https://www.mcpapformoms.org  

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