87: What To Expect When Expecting With TBH in 2019
The Birth Lounge Podcast - En podcast av HeHe Stewart

Welcome to the new year, pal!I absolutely love the turn into the new year. For me, it is not bitter sweet-- it's just sweet. It feels refreshing and like a very deep cleanse, from a soul level. It's like a shedding of an old me and I'm breaking free into a new me with 365 days of unlimited and unleashed potential! I'm going to be reflecting on the 2018 year for Tranquility by HeHe and exactly how amazing our TBH Tribe is! You played a crucial role in our growth and spreading the word of this amazing village! I'm also sharing what the "first trimester" of 2019 has in store for TBH, for our village and what we are bringing to YOU! Buckle up because 2019 is going to be the year that TBH transforms thousands of women's lives. I'm soiled you're on this journey with us! Listen closely in this episode and I'm sharing the two themes that I have picked out for Tranquility by HeH for the year. I can't wait to help you take control of 2019! 2019 Retreat: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/balancing-motherhood-retreat-tickets-53375032158 Mastering Your Mindset in Motherhood 5-Day Challenge: https://mailchi.mp/3b8bd5c210ec/mastering-your-mindset-in-motherhood-2019 Free Virtual MaMa Meet-Ups: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tbh-free-virtual-mommy-meet-up-tickets-53660403712