697| Two Birth Stories and Perineal Massage - Dr. Joanna Ellington (encore)
The Birth Hour - A Birth Story Podcast - En podcast av Bryn Huntpalmer

Links: This episode is sponsored by Fairhaven Health, which is generously offering 15% of all of their products with the code BIRTHHOUR15 at www.fairhavenhealth.com. Know Your Options Online Childbirth Course Beyond the Latch Course (comes free with KYO course) Support The Birth Hour via Patreon! In spite of being a Large Animal Veterinarian (Board Certified in Animal ObGyn) and a Reproductive Physiologist studying human fertility, Dr. Joanna Ellington was surprised when the flu threw off her ovulation cycle and an unplanned pregnancy occurred. Using excellent classic references like Active Birth and Spiritual Midwifery, Joanna used perineal massage to prepare for childbirth, and was maybe a little too active with a 2 mile hike that turned into 5 miles the day before her membranes began leaking. An induction resulted in a normal birth where Joanna used her knowledge of birth and lactation in animals to enjoy the process as much as possible, even telling her midwife “That was kind of fun!” Joanna's second son was born within 10 minutes after she arrived at the hospital. In the chaos and discomfort of having two male doctors she had never met working on her son and her private parts, Joanna coped by switching into “medical professional mode" and talking to them about her research. But, she lost her focus on her baby and the moment. Sadly, she forgot to invite her waiting son and mother in to see the birth, as she had planned. This was a valuable lesson of not “taking care of others” or outwardly focusing during birth, but staying centered and baby focused.