682| Unplanned Cesarean & Healing Postpartum - Lindsey Todisco
The Birth Hour - A Birth Story Podcast - En podcast av Bryn Huntpalmer

In this rebroadcast, Lindsey shares that long before even trying to conceive, Lindsey knew she wanted an intervention-free birth. Despite her intentions, research, planning, and extensive preparation, Lindsey and her husband learned their first parenting lesson (you are no longer in control!) at seemingly every turn, from pregnancy through delivery and postpartum. An induction lead to a 28 hour labor which ultimately ended in a cesarean section. Lindsey spent much of the fourth trimester trying to understand her birth experience and heal physically and emotionally. Links: Go to shopify.com/birthhour for a FREE fourteen-day trial and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features. Know Your Options Online Childbirth Course Use code 100OFF for $100 off enrollment at thebirthhour.com/course Beyond the First Latch Course (comes free with KYO course) Support The Birth Hour via Patreon! at patreon.com/birthhour