626| Unexplained Infertility, Twin Pregnancy, ICP, & Cesarean Birth + PPD Discussion - Gisselle Topham
The Birth Hour - A Birth Story Podcast - En podcast av Bryn Huntpalmer

After over 4 years of dealing with infertility, Gisselle and her husband, Lynneric, found out they were pregnant due to an IUI. This episode is sponsored by Wumblekin. Visit wumblekin.com to order or subscribe and get 15% off your first box by using promo code BIRTHHOUR. Know Your Options Online Childbirth Course: https://courses.thebirthhour.com/limited-time Beyond the Latch Course: https://courses.thebirthhour.com/enroll-b2w/ Support The Birth Hour via Patreon!: https://patreon.com/birthhour