S4 EP10: The One Where the Besties Go to Turks!
The Bestie Breakdown - En podcast av The Bestie Breakdown

Oh, the Besties are at it again! Not only are they sharing all of the fun details from Erika's 40th birthday trip to Turks and Caicos, but they are also chatting golf tournaments, Wi-Fi theories, end-of-the-year chaos, and are playing a fun little game. They are also diving into some fun pop culture topics (who just had a baby at 79?!) and are answering your listener questions about planning outfits for vacation and celebrities in the wild. We love feedback! Be sure to reach out via email at [email protected], follow us on Instagram @thebestiebreakdown, follow us and leave us a lovely rating, and review on your favorite podcasting platform! https://mixandmatchmama.com/2023/05/turks-caicos-2023/https://alittlebitofeverythingblog.com/orlando-turks-40th-birthday-trip/https://gracebayclub.gracebayresorts.com/https://www.attbyronnelson.org/https://mixandmatchtravelagency.com/ The Bestie Breakdown is brought to you by Shay Shull of the Mix and Match Mama blog and Erika Slaughter of A Little Bit of Everything.