Episode 75: Powerlessness
The Aware Parenting Podcast - En podcast av Marion Rose, PhD.

In this episode, we talk all about powerlessness, such an apt topic for these times! We discuss the sources of powerlessness in the wider culture and in mothering itself, as well as specific ways to heal old powerlessness feelings and feel more truly powerful in the present. We share about how we can tell when the feelings of powerlessness that we are feeling are from the past, and how we can support ourselves to actually feel more truly powerful in the present. Marion's relevant courses: Powerlessness, Power-over and Power-with in Parenting Masterclass: https://marionrose.samcart.com/products/powerlessness-power-over-and-power-with-in-parenting-masterclass/ Power and Powerlessness in Parenting: http://www.powerandpowerlessnessinparenting.com/invitation/ Transformation Through Mothering: https://marionrose.samcart.com/products/transformation-through-mothering-twenty-twenty-one/ The Wonder of Willingness: https://www.thewonderofwillingness.com/ You can find out more about Lael’s couple’s course here: https://laelstone.com.au/courses/aware-parenting-for-couples/ Please come over to our Facebook page, or find us on Instagram @theawareparentingpodcast You can find Marion at www.marionrose.net and Lael at www.laelstone.com.au And if you haven’t already, would you be like to subscribe to the podcast so we can show up in your podcast feed? We’re sending you much love and compassion in your parenting journey. Marion and Lael xoxo