Episode 66: Hitting and biting part 2
The Aware Parenting Podcast - En podcast av Marion Rose, PhD.

Our first hitting and biting podcast was cut short at the end, so we decided to come back and create this one! In it, we talk about: Why and how Aware Parenting is so different to behaviourism; How our core beliefs about human beings affects our response to hitting; The cause of hitting and biting; How we can offer Loving Limits in response to hitting; How we can move in with attachment play in response to hitting; How we can prevent hitting from happening in the first place; Our own invitation to do our own inner work so we’re more likely to be able to respond in these ways; The importance of self-compassion. For more: Aletha Solter - Tears and Tantrums, Cooperative and Connected Lael’s Course - https://laelstone.com.au/courses/aware-parenting-for-couples/ Marion’s Courses - Aggression and Aware Parenting video | audio | PDF https://marionrose.samcart.com/products/aggression-and-aware-parenting/ Making Friends with Children’s Feelings http://www.makingfriendswithchildrensfeelings.com/course/ Power and Powerlessness in Parenting http://www.powerandpowerlessnessinparenting.com/invitation/ Please come over to our Facebook page, or find us on Instagram @theawareparentingpodcast You can find Marion at www.marionrose.net and Lael at www.laelstone.com.au And if you haven’t already, would you be like to subscribe to the podcast so we can show up in your podcast feed? We’re sending you much love and compassion in your parenting journey. Marion and Lael xoxo