Episode 50: Anxiety
The Aware Parenting Podcast - En podcast av Marion Rose, PhD.

In this podcast, we talk about understanding the three causes for fear and anxiety, and how we can address each of those causes, whether that’s for our child or ourselves. We share stories about our own experiences with fear, anxiety and terror, and how we’ve helped ourselves and our children through experiences where fear and anxiety have showed up. Understanding fear and anxiety, and changing our relationship to it, can transform our experience with it. Likewise, knowing how we can help our children, both preventatively, in the moment and afterwards, can help us feel more relaxed and centred, which is exactly how we need to be to support our children when they’re feeling anxious. Lael's upcoming offerings: Aware Parenting Course for Couples - coming October https://laelstone.com.au/online-courses/ 8 Week Aware Parenting Immersion starts 12th October https://laelstone.com.au/courses/aware-parenting-immersion-level-1/ Marion's relevant courses: Attachment Play Course: http://www.attachmentplaycourses.com/join-in Making Friends with Children's Feelings Course: http://www.makingfriendswithchildrensfeelings.com/course Please come over to our Facebook page, or find us on Instagram @theawareparentingpodcast You can find Marion at www.marionrose.net and Lael at www.laelstone.com.au And if you haven’t already, would you be like to subscribe to the podcast so we can show up in your podcast feed? We’re sending you much love and compassion in your parenting journey. Marion and Lael xoxo