Episode 42: Home School
The Aware Parenting Podcast - En podcast av Marion Rose, PhD.

In this week's episode we talk all about learning at home, particularly in the current world climate. This is a special episode, which has 2 parts. In part 1, Marion and Lael discuss the history of education and the bigger picture of learning, and in part 2, Lael chats with Tony Vallance, a seasoned teacher and father who shares many insights into how we can make the most of this connected learning time. [3.07] Modern schooling and the Industrial revolution [6:00] An opportunity to question what we learn and how we learn [8.43] Trusting our children’s learning [12.30] Is our curriculum relevant and does it support our children? [17.04] The impact of learning that doesn’t engage us [23.19] Valuing EQ as much as IQ and creative learning [19.00] The true nature of human beings [26.55] What have your learned about your child by witnessing them learning? [29.10] Supporting teachers and the joy of learning [31.15] Prioritising connection above learning [33.45] Exploring many pathways to success [36.15] Introducing Tony Vallance and his insights into teaching [38.30] Trying to stay present and accept what is [41.40] The wisdom of being curious [43.50] Connection and voice and choice [47.05] How we can get the best from our kids [50.10] Why boredom is so important [52.15] You don’t have to be the teacher [54.40] Tips to navigate all getting our needs met [1.00.20] Modeling mistakes [1.02.20] What is resilience with life and learning? [1.05.40] Get tactile in your learning Resources Peter Gray - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OMYesA1nQo Sir Ken Robinson - https://www.ted.com/speakers/sir_ken_robinson The Element by Sir Ken Robinson - https://www.amazon.com.au/Element-Finding-Passion-Changes-Everything/dp/0143116738 You can find Tony Vallance at: https://buildingbetterbrains.com.au/ and: https://open.spotify.com/show/5IdHn06GRKgzQ23g3GdCMj?si=93vtizUJSw-qcNdmpoT9oQ As always, you can head over to the Aware Parenting Podcast Facebook group and join in the discussion, or you’ll find us on Instagram @theawareparentingpodcast You can find Marion at marionrose.net and Lael at laelstone.com.au And if you haven’t already, make sure you subscribe to the podcast so we can pop into your podcast feed. Sending you much love, compassion and grace in your parenting journey. x Lael and Marion