Episode 34: School and Rules

The Aware Parenting Podcast - En podcast av Marion Rose, PhD.


In this week's episode we talk about School and Rules and how to support our children, no matter what style of education they experience. We discuss helping them navigate schooling systems based on punishments and rewards and how we can support them to stay connected to who they really are. [2.10] Decolonisation and our education system [5:40] Navigating our current school system [9.00] A new vision for education [12.05] Supporting our children to not internalise the behaviour of others [13.30] Getting clear on our deep desire for schooling with our kids [19.00] Separations and rules in organisations [22.00] Prioritising children's emotional wellbeing [26.15] The bigger picture of schooling and socialisation [30.00] Helping children unpack their day and release feelings [34.10] Seeing the growth and learning in all choices we make [36.40] Different styles of learning [41.10] Slow shifts that are happening in our education system [45.00] Progressive education and what we need to learn [47.40] Practical tools to help children process kindergarten and school [54.30] Supporting ourselves and our children to follow their passions [57.00] Advocating for our children This week’s invitation: 1. Do you have a ‘Yes’ for reflecting on your own schooling experiences? What did you really enjoy? What did you not enjoy? How can you listen to those younger parts of you? Does it support you to do anything different with your children? 2. Trusting your child’s journey and trusting yourself and your ability to help them navigate it. Resources: www.woodlineprimary.com.au Alfie Kohn - https://www.alfiekohn.org/books/ The Compassionate Classroom - https://www.amazon.com/Compassionate-Classroom-Relationship-Teaching-Learning/dp/1892005069 Peter Gray - https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/experts/peter-gray-phd John Taylor Gatto - https://www.amazon.com/Dumbing-Down-Curriculum-Compulsory-Anniversary/dp/0865714487 Marshall Rosenberg - https://www.amazon.com.au/Non-Violent-Communication-Language-Marshall-Rosenberg/dp/1892005034 Marshall Rosenberg - Life-Enriching Education Marshall Rosenberg - Teaching Children Compassionately   As always, you can head over to the Aware Parenting Podcast Facebook group and join in the discussion, or you’ll find us on Instagram @theawareparentingpodcast  You can find Marion at marionrose.net and Lael at laelstone.com.au And if you haven’t already, make sure you subscribe to the podcast so we can pop into your podcast feed. 
 Sending you much love, compassion and grace in your parenting journey. x Lael and Marion

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