Episode 188: Toddler and child sleep Q & A
The Aware Parenting Podcast - En podcast av Marion Rose, PhD.

In this episode, I share listeners' questions and my answers, for toddlers of one year old to children who are seven years old. The questions include: "How can I help my one year old release big feelings before and during sleep without making her feel powerless? Is me holding her helpful?" "I'd love to hear you talk about breastfeeding to sleep and night wakings and night weaning. (My little one is 15 months old.)" "Why is my 23 month old breastfed co-sleeping toddler waking at 12, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 am?" "How can I help our three year old who needs to be in a certain position with a certain parent in order to sleep, and cries if that changes (while also supporting her to stay securely attached)?" "I feel resentful lying next to my 4 year old to help her go to sleep and I also have a baby. What can I do?" "What would you suggest as a gentle encouragement for a 5 year old to begin sleeping in their own bed so I can get up early before he does? "I'm a nanny and the seven year old I look after in the evenings refuses to go to bed when I am baby sitting and her mum goes out." If you'd like my free PDF to learn more about sleep, secure attachment, emotional release and Aware Parenting, you can sign up for it here: https://marion-rose.myflodesk.com/ssgsvngo66 The live round of this year's Sound Sleep and Secure Attachment with Aware Parenting Course is open. Details are here: https://marionrose.samcart.com/products/sound-sleep-and-secure-attachment-with-aware-parenting-course/ The reduced fee code is on my social media posts. You can find out more about my work at www.marionrose.net You can also find me here: https://www.instagram.com/theawareparentingpodcast/ https://www.instagram.com/_marion_rose_/ https://www.instagram.com/awareparenting/ www.facebook.com/MarionRosePhD