Episode 18: Separation Anxiety

The Aware Parenting Podcast - En podcast av Marion Rose, PhD.


In this episode, we talk about Separation Anxiety and how you can assist your children through an Aware Parenting lens. [2.01] Global separation anxiety and development [2.57] Maps and Models around behaviour and Separation - 3 main reasons [4.45] Lack of information for children [9.15] Childrens needs with Separation [13.00] Trusting yourself on the right care for your child [15.40] Built up feelings that affect separation [21.03] Practical example of how separation issues from the past can surface [23.40] What is our energy saying around the separation [26.00] What if we hold on to tightly and compassion for ourselves [29.01] Natural timing and highly sensitive children [33.21] How could drop-offs look like at school or kinder or daycare [35.55} Tips for caregivers for a child who is upset [37.05] The beauty of listening to loss [39.20] Attachment play with Separation Games [45.00] Other ideas around helping your child with Separation [50.30] Invitations and Offerings to assist you with Separation This week’s invitation: 1. Tune into what happens for you when you separate from your child. How does your child respond? 2. Do you have old wounds from when you were left as a child? Resources:
 Marion’s course: Inner Loving Presence Process Course: 
 Lael’s sessions via Skype - [email protected] Emma Dumas Separation Resource - http://www.expandingminds.com.au/ Aletha Solter Books : The Aware Baby, Tears and Tantrums, Cooperative and Connected, Attachment Play
As always, you can head over to the Aware Parenting Podcast Facebook group and join in the discussion, or you’ll find us on Instagram @theawareparentingpodcast 
You can find Marion at www.marionrose.net and Lael at www.laelstone.com.au
 And if you haven’t already, make sure you subscribe to the podcast so we can pop into your podcast feed every two weeks.

 Sending you much love, compassion, and grace in your parenting journey.
 Lael and Marion

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