Episode 144: Healing from birth trauma as an adult
The Aware Parenting Podcast - En podcast av Marion Rose, PhD.

In this episode, a P.S. from the last one, I share about my journey of healing from being premature in an incubator for 5 weeks and the modalities, practices and choices I've found helpful, including: Psychosynthesis ~ Roberto Assagioli, Rebirthing, Holotriopic Breathwork ~ Stanislav Grof, Polarity Therapy ~ Dr Randolf Stone, Watsu, Alexander Technique, HypnoBirthing ~ Marie Mongan, Private Subconscious-mind Healing, giving birth and not being scared, holding my babies, co-sleeping, having them close, listening to my babies cry in my arms and heal from stress and trauma when all their needs were met, Buteyko breathing ~ Konstantin Buteyko, and The Marion Method.