Episode 17 - Life as a mama of (almost) 4, with women and children's health coach, Paris Lucas

Medicine Mother - En podcast av Kate Caddle


Paris has been birthing babies for the past ten years, with her forth due in a couple of months. In this episode Paris shares her story of motherhood, her three births, how she has transitioned after each birth, and the changes she's seen in herself as a mother. From mac and cheese on the couch, to children and womens health coach, Paris has so much wisdom in living a well-life as a family, from a realistic and achievable perspective. A must listen for anyone wanting to approach motherhood in a grounded and natural way. NOTE - I also want to add that this episode was recorded at 16 weeks gestation, and I can now share SPOILER ALERT that Paris and Mitch are expecting a baby girl! For more info and links visit the show notes - www.katecaddle.com/shownotes