Episode 1-3 – The Last Cabbage Bender

My cabbages! This week we journey to the Earth Kingdom city of Omashu, and then follow the trio as they help some earthbenders escape a Fire Nation prison! In Omashu, we meet King Bumi and the Cabbage Merchant, and watch the Gaang as they ride on the world’s worst delivery service. Later, Katara and Haru go on cute walks and Momo impresses some firebenders! Welcome to the third episode of The Avatar State! Check out the full shownotes below:
* Answers to last week’s listener question.
* Summary and thoughts on The King of Omashu
* Summary and thoughts on Imprisoned.
* Feels of the week.
* New listener question: if you could bend anything outside of the main four elements, what would it be?
Twitter: @avatarstatepod
Email: [email protected]
Hosted by Mallory, Austin, Meg, and Jonathan. Music by The Track Team.