How to Heal From Mother and Father Wounds: Part 2
The Amanda Ferguson Show - En podcast av Amanda Ferguson
Back by popular demand, this week’s episode I am going deeper into how to heal from mother and father wounds. If you heard me talk about this in season 1 already, I want you to still take the time to listen to this episode. Why? Because healing has layers. There was a time where I put my raw emotions on the back burner and decided to move forward with my life instead. Except I never really went anywhere emotionally. Even as time passed me by, my heart never moved from the place of pain after my mother passed away. The more I ignored the resentment I had towards my father, the longer I would remain stagnant. I do not want you to do the same. Whether we notice it or not, the pain we experience in our childhood is still in our hearts as adults if that pain never went through a process. Your pain, whatever the source of it is, needs to go through a grieving process. Many of us avoid this process because we think we should just get over it and move on with our lives. Some of us think it makes us weak if we continuously cry over a loved one that is no longer with us. A sad moment I unnecessarily made myself endure as a result of not allowing myself to grieve was loneliness. The truth is, pain is isolating. Pain can build walls that make genuine people that want to be there for you unable to since you have made yourself unreachable. A week after my mother’s funeral I felt more alone than I ever had before. That feeling grew with time and resulted in me secretly being upset with my friends and family for not seeing the wounds I was hiding. The problem was not a lack of people who were willing to support me. It was a lack on my part of willing to be vulnerable. Who around you do you know would gladly be your crying shoulder if you opened up about your feelings? If a person comes to mind, I encourage you to reach out to that person, set a lunch date, and talk about it. If you feel like you don’t have that kind of person you can turn to, well I have great news for you. Even if everyone else has forgotten you, God never has. You were always on His mind and you didn’t leave his sight. Not for a second. He knows everything you have been through and is the best friend, therapist, and father that can help you heal. Along with God, I was fortunate enough to realize what I was doing wrong and started to allow people to come into my life who could truly help me on my journey. I want to share with you the key advice I received on my journey to healing, in hopes that I can be this person for you too. I know that if you truly allow yourself to go through this process, you will come out stronger, free and full of joy. Listen until the end to hear me pray over you, and know that nothing is impossible! How to Heal from Mother and Father Wounds [13:00] Ask God to soften your heart towards the person you feel resentment for. God can help you see a person that you may have hated through the eyes of love. [18:28] God can handle your disappointment. It’s easy to be upset with God when life doesn’t work out the way we wanted it to. Tell Him how you feel anyway. [19:57] Ask God to bring someone into your life that can be a mother or father figure that you need. [23:20] You don’t have to be afraid to heal. Allow yourself to start the process and go from there. [25:14] Write a letter to the person who has caused you pain. It may sound silly, but this method brought [27:19] Write a letter to your younger self. Let out all the emotions you have bottled up since your youth. Subscribe and Review Have you subscribed to The Amanda Ferguson podcast? If not, I would encourage you to do that today. I would not like for you to miss any of the episodes coming up this season. I will be adding bonus episodes and if you are not subscribed there might be a possibility that you’ll miss out on them. Click here to subscribe in iTunes to have the podcast downloaded to your device every week. I would love to stay connected with you! If my podcast is blessing your life, I would appreciate if you left me a review over on iTunes. Select the Ratings & Reviews and write a review. I will be reading your reviews and do not forget to comment on what was your favorite part of the podcast. For more of The Amanda Ferguson Show, you can also follow me on Instagram and Facebook @mrsamandaferguson. Thank you so much! Also, to be the first to receive email alerts, subscribe to Thank you so much! References: Isiah 49:15 John 14:18