BeeBop Tales: Episode 3
The Alien Adventures of Finn Caspian: Science Fiction for Kids - En podcast av GZM Shows

On today's episode of BeeBop Tales, Mr. Juanatron and Whip fly with Dr. Perkolator to a remote island, where they plan to team up with some old friends to make a last stand against the Warlock Barron. And BeeBop discovers a puzzle that he has to solve to save the day, and he needs listeners' help! The clue is buried somewhere in the episode. If you can figure it out, email the answer to [email protected] so BeeBop can be the hero he was manufactured to be.
Also, big news: We have a store on Threadless! Now you can buy Finn shirts, tote bags and a fleece blanket for some reason.
We always love art and jokes sent to [email protected]. And don't forget about Griffin's Sound Club! Send yours! You can also, of course, call our voice mail: 773-683-3166. If you have a second, and can rate or review the show in iTunes, we would be so grateful! It really helps get the word out.
The intro/outro music is called Moondots and Polkabeams by Podington Bear, and was used via Creative Commons license. We've set up a store on Treadless!
hThe Alien Adventures of Finn Caspian is a sci-fi story podcast for kids, and is proud to be part of the Kids Listen collective of makers of quality audio for kids.
And please do send us anything you like. We'll use it on the show! You can also shoot us an email or call 773-683-3166.