Leslie Kean; UFO's, consciousness & the afterlife - Pt.2

That UFO Podcast - En podcast av That UFO Podcast

Andy is joined by award winning author & NY Times journalist Leslie Kean, for over 90 minutes they discuss; * Leslie's early work on UFO's in the media * The changing landscape pre & post 2017 * NY Times articles on UFO's & their impact * Researching life after death & connections to UFOs * Delayed UFO report to Congress * Upcoming Conference in NYC * Listener questions * And much, much more Follow Leslie & purchase her work through her website ; https://www.lesliekean.com/ Buy livestream tickets to the upcoming conference; https://aninquiryintoanomalous2.rsvpify.com/ Spotify listeners can now access premium content here > https://open.spotify.com/show/7wnXUAQ3vwdsX1BoyaEvjZ Sign up to support the podcast via Patreon.com/ThatUFOPodcast [https://www.patreon.com/ThatUFOPodcast] or Apple Podcast subscriptions (2 week free trial available) Please support our show sponsors; Go to blendjet.com [https://blendjet.com/products/blendjet-2?variant=32478639390786] and use code th...

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