Jacques Vallée
That UFO Podcast - En podcast av That UFO Podcast

Andy is joined by one of the pre-eminent names in the study of UFOs, Jacques Vallee. Over the hour they discuss; New witness in 2nd edition of Trinity, the best kept secret Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombings & UFO connections Working with the French space agency Whistle blowers coming forward Origins of the phenomenon Much more You can pick up the new 2nd edition of Trinity; The best kept secret here - https://www.amazon.co.uk/TRINITY-Best-Kept-Jacques-F-Vall%C3%A9e-ebook/dp/B0B8DXY8TC/ref=sr_1_1?crid=27HNGUOSB1ZPB&keywords=trinity+the+best+kept+secret&qid=1665684380&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIxLjEzIiwicXNhIjoiMC42NSIsInFzcCI6IjAuNTkifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=trinity+the+best%2Caps%2C79&sr=8-1 Spotify listeners can now access premium content here > https://open.spotify.com/show/7wnXUAQ3vwdsX1BoyaEvjZ Sign up to support the podcast via Patreon.com/ThatUFOPodcast [http://patreon.com/ThatUFOPodcast] or Apple Podcast subscriptions (2 week free trial available) Please support our show sponsors; Babbel, le...