Bava Batra 140: Those Poor Disadvantaged Males
Talking Talmud - En podcast av Yardaena Osband & Anne Gordon
A new chapter! Chapter 9 -- with a mishnah from the previous daf (as the beginning of the chapter) and a second mishnah on this daf as well. Firstly, the case of a man who dies and leaves both sons and daughters -- depending on the size of the estate, either the sons or the daughters take priority in terms of getting that inheritance. [Who's Who: Admon]. Secondly, the case of a man dies and leaves behind sons and daughters and a "tumtum." The value of the estate matters in this case too, but the Gemara addresses this case to determine the halakhic nature of a tumtum -- and whether a tumtum inherits, with or without separate stipulation of gifts. Plus, an investigation into how many genders there are (a very "modern" take that is built into the halakhic system).