Ep. 153: Rethinking School & Education During the Pandemic
Sunshine Parenting - En podcast av Audrey Monke

Big Ideas
Honor end of summer or start of school traditions as much as possible—even if they look different.
Consider creating a mini-school or co-op with another family or neighbor.
Help your kids reflect on the spring and get ready for school by asking open-ended questions such as:
- What did you like about online school last spring?
- How did it go?
- What worked?
- What did not work?
- What do you feel like you accomplished or learned or feel more confident around?
- Where did you feel like you kept tripping up?
- Where would you like some additional support?
Download a PDF of these questions to print out!
Sara: This is a time for innovation and looking at things with new lenses.
Sara: As the parent, a lot of times my attitude leaks into other's attitudes
Audrey: When you're looking back on this time, 10 years from now, what are the things that you're going to want to be able to say about this time?
Sara: I hope my kids and for all of us, our kids can look back and say, “I had extra time with my parents and while it was confusing sometimes, I really appreciate it.I enjoyed that time.”
Audrey: This is an opportunity for us as parents to really start helping our kids develop more autonomy.
Sara: This is an amazing time to hold each other accountable for not doing too much.
Audrey: We have no control over when it's going to change, when we're going to go back to “normal,” but between now and that point, we can focus on what's really important.
Sara: It can be really challenging because there's different reasons why children fight the homework.
Audrey: We need, as parents, to really partner with the teachers and administrators.
Audrey: Let's start the school year just knowing that we're all on the same team, we all will make mistakes. Our kids will, the teachers will, the schools will—things will go wrong. Some things will go right.
Audrey: It's going to be okay.
Sara: I really hope we all can move forward with the mindset that my child isn't going to be all behind—all is not lost.
Sara: Let's take some of the burden and the pressure off and go back to: What is the best way for my kiddo to learn right now?
Audrey: Let's all just go into this fall with the reset button.
Audrey: Push the reset button, rethink, reevaluate, do a do over from the spring, have that meeting with your kids, focus more on your relationship and autonomy development.