Ep. 126: Connecting with our Daughters
Sunshine Parenting - En podcast av Audrey Monke

In this episode, I'm joined by my good friend and longtime camp industry colleague, Brooke Cheley-Klebe. Both of us have three daughters, so we've had a lot of discussion over the years about raising girls. In this episode, Brooke and I talk about how she stays close to her daughters, currently ages 14, 11, and 7. She has many insights both as a mom and from her 25 years working with campers and staff at Cheley Colorado Camps.
Parenting girls today is more challenging than ever. We can all use new ideas and insights, and Brooke has some simple strategies to stay close to her girls.
- Parents and caregivers can help their daughters become thriving adults by focusing on our connection and relationship with our daughters.
- Show up in those little moments, such as having breakfast together, bedtime, driving in the car. Make eye contact, and connect.
- Rituals--especially around bedtime--are important anchors in your relationship with your children.
- Help girls understand that they're enough just the way they are. It's more important to be authentic than perfect.
- Teach them about practicing a growth mindset and model positive self-talk.
- In conversations, connect with fun questions that focus on their thoughts and feelings rather than their achievements, like grades and scores.
- Practices like meditation, setting intentions, being present and expressing gratitude, help to create an environment where kids, especially our daughters, thrive.
- Find hobbies, fun things to do so that our kids can see us enjoying life.