Fart Out Loud Day/The Boy Who Invented the BPhone3
Story Pirates - En podcast av Story Pirates

Peter’s experiments in the ship laboratory cause almost everyone to develop bizarre superpowers. This weeks episode features two new stories: “Fart Out Loud Day,” a funkalicious body-positivity anthem that gives everyone permission to let it out, written by sisters Samantha and Ali from Colorado, and “The Boy Who Invented the BPhone 3,” the tale of an intrepid ghost-hunting inventor who dreams of calling ghosts on the phone, written by a 4th grader from Ohio named Connor. But wait - “Fart Out Loud Day,” isn’t just a song, it’s also a CARTOON! Watch it right now at storypirates.com/cartoons The Story Pirates book is in stores NOW! Stuck in the Stone Age, by New York Times bestselling author Geoff Rodkey, is available wherever books are sold, or visit storypirates.com/book to get your copy today. Parents, don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review the show!