S2 #36 / Anon Omous, Visions of Yaldabaoth

Spirit Box - En podcast av Darragh Mason

Today we are joined by author Anon Omous who takes us through his extraordinary mystical experiences which changed his life and his understanding of the world. Diagnosed with schizophenia these experiences were challenging and brutal at times culminating in an waking vision of what he believes to be the entity Yaldabaoth. It really is a fascinating account and one that will no doubt resonate deeply with Spirit Box listeners.
The presentation Anon talks us through is on the YouTube version of the show.


Show notes:
Website:  https://www.asteroxrising.com/
Anon's book:  https://www.asteroxrising.com/paperback-ebook
Chnoubis: https://earlywritings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11221  
Yaldabaoth: https://gods-and-demons.fandom.com/wiki/Yaldabaoth  
Demiurge: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demiurge   
Nag Hammadi: http://gnosis.org/naghamm/nhl.html

Shout outs:

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