Ep 97 | The KonMari Method and Organizational Stress Reduction
Spark Joy - En podcast av Kristyn Ivey and Karin Socci

Co-hosts Kristyn and Karin explore how disorganized environments contribute to stress and anxiety AND how stress and anxiety contribute to disorganization.
KonMari is designed to confront some of the causes of organizational stress by working toward a home and work place that is intentional and supportive of your best life going forward.
We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at www.sparkjoypodcast.com and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show.
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Joy Checks
-Karin is excited about concluding her backpack search with a couple of awesome finds. Here’s the day pack: KAVU Rope Sling Bags
and here’s her travel back pack: Raf Simons and EastPak Collab
-Turns out Kristyn loves backpacks also! Her favorite backpack is from Topdrawer
-Sparking Joy for Kristyn: Her No Buy, No Spend strategy with toiletries.
She is evaluating her products, using up what doesn’t Spark Joy, and then buying exactly what works best for her.
-Caution! KonMari is not a substitute for professional help. Here are resources if you are suffering from symptoms of anxiety. Help is available! Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) and National Alliance on Mental Illness: Anxiety Disorders
In this episode, you’ll enjoy:
-Learning the difference between stress and anxiety
-Some of the signs of stress related to disorganization
-What Karin’s days were like before KonMari
-What Kristyn’s days were like before KonMari
-The book that defined "drift" for Kristyn: Design Your Future: 3 Simple Steps to Stop Drifting and Take Command of Your Life by Dominick Quartuccio
-The emotional consequences of being disorganized
-Look back at Ep 5 | How to Visualize Your Ideal Lifestyle and Living Environment
- Practical tips you can use today to manage your stress
-Send your stress reduction strategies to us via @sparkjoy_podcast on Instagram
- “Working the KonMari Method is not the same as working with a mental health professional by any means.”
- “If only you could get organized once and for all, things would be so much better, right? “
- “Certainly, achieving a tidy home will not 'cure' clutter anxiety, but it may help reduce the out-of-control feeling that many of us experience before tidying.”
- “By thoughtfully pulling together the idea of what you would like for yourself going forward, you will be able to structure your method. It IS your method, after all, everyone’s idea of what they want for themselves is different.”
- “Coping with stress requires some trial and error. You will find that certain ideas work better than others for you and that some techniques will leave you cold. The only way to know is to give them a try!”
- “What is the future use of this item?”
- “Hope pushes back against stress.”
You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home
You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy